The set of four houses now proposed results from a number of factors in its design, namely the characteristics of the place, its surroundings, sun exposure, and at the same time provide an effective response to the needs and desires of the owners.
Having as a starting point a terrain of difficult morphology, this was in fact determinant for the development of the project, characterized by a very rugged topography, with several slopes, reason why it was tried to implant the houses in terraces, following the unevenness of the terrain.
The access to the condominium, whether pedestrian or by car, is done by the west side of the public road, through an internal route of access to the villas along the north border of the property, thus allowing freeing the necessary space to the gardens in the south, and using as much as possible the existing morphology.
The four houses are organized on two floors, plus basement for garage and storage, except the last one, because the topography of the area where it is implanted does not justify it, thus proposing, in this case, a garage at the level of the ground floor. Both the basement floors of the first 3 villas and the garage are also intended to fill some space requirements for technical installations.
In terms of the organization of the housing program, the most functional spaces are proposed in areas of lesser sun exposure, such as sanitary facilities and stairs, thus freeing the south and west areas for more permanent spaces, more social spaces such as, living room, dining room and kitchen, and even two bedrooms. It is also proposed the creation of suites on the first floor, with sanitary installation and private closet.
With regard to the articulation between compartments, it was sought to create fluid spaces and without great visual barriers between them, privileging the relation with the outside, namely garden and swimming pool, through the glass enclosure.
Contrary to the south of the house, the back façades, turned north, are much more closed, not only due to the lack of sun exposure, but also because of the proximity to the access road to the houses.