PROJECT DESCRIPTION The design was intended to be the dematerialization of the building to the person who observes from the beach, creating…
PROJECT DESCRIPTION The design was intended to be the dematerialization of the building to the person who observes from the beach, creating…
PROJECT DESCRIPTION This proposal seeks primarily to establish a coherent relationship with the place. In this specific project, the location of…
PROJECT DESCRIPTION This proposal arises from the interpretation of the various factors that determine the way of inhabiting both the place and…
PROJECT DESCRIPTION Considering the area of intervention, the program pre-set with the client as well as other physical and legal constraints,…
PROJECT DESCRIPTION The present project related to the construction of a isolated house, inserted in a very calm zone, being its…
PROJECT DESCRIPTION The present proposal arises from the interpretation of the various factors that can condition the way of living, either…
PROJECT DESCRIPTION In architectural and urbanistic terms, we tried to ensure a harmonious integration with the environment and a functional and contemporary…
PROJECT DESCRIPTION This proposal essentially seeks an optimal solution between the default program and the creation of a consistent relationship to…